The Bishkek Protocol ‘regarding Nagorno-Karabakh conflict’

May 5, 1994


The participants of the meeting held upon the initiative of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, the Federal Assembly and the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of the Russian Federation in Bishkek on May 4-5, 1994

  • expressed determination to encourage in every possible way the stopping of the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and around it which not only causes irreparable damage to the Azeri and Armenian people but also substantially infringes on the interests of other countries of the region and seriously complicates the international situation;
  • supporting the Statement of the Council of CIS Heads of State of April 15, 1994, expressed the readiness to give a full support to the efforts of the heads and representatives of the executive power on stopping the armed conflict and eliminating its consequences by way of concluding an appropriate agreement as soon as possible;
  • pronounced in favour of the natural active role of the Commonwealth and the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly in stopping the conflict and realization of the principles, goals and concrete decisions of the UN and the CSCE connected with it (first of all resolutions 822, 853, 874, 884 of the UN Security Council);
  • urged all the parties to the conflict to listen to the voice of sense: to cease fire at midnight from 8 to 9 May of this year guided by the Protocol of February 18, 1994 (including the part of the deployment of monitors) and by the most intensive work in the shortest possible time to consolidate it by way of signing a reliable legally binding agreement envisaging a mechanism of ensuring non-resumption of military and hostile operations, withdrawal of troops from the occupied territories and resumption of the functioning of communications, return of refugees, continuation of the negotiating process;
  • agreed to propose to the parliaments of the CIS member states to discuss the initiative of the Chairman of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly V. F. Shumeyko and the Head of the peacemaking group of the Assembly on Nagorno-Karabakh M. Sh. Sherimkulov about the establishment of peacekeeping forces of the Commonwealth;
  • think it expedient to continue such meetings for the sake of finding a peaceful solution to the armed conflict;
  • expressed gratitude to the people and the leadership of Kyrgyzstan for creating excellent conditions for work, cordiality and hospitality.

On behalf of the delegations:

Jalilov (signed by R. Guliyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Supreme Soviet)
Babourian (Chairman of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Supreme Soviet)
Ararktsian (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Armenia)
Shumeyko (Chairman of the Council of Federation of Russia)
Sherimkulov (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Kyrgyzstan)
Kazimirov (Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Russian Mediation Mission)
Krotov (Head of the Secretariat of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of member states).